Revd Liz writes about how we help people living in Care Homes join our churches
Within our parish boundaries, we have 2 care homes. Charlton Park Care Home in Cemetery Lane and Time Court in Woodland Terrace (just a stones’ throw from St Thomas’). Their residents are people who can no longer live independently. Some residents struggle with mobility, some have nursing needs, many are living with dementia. And a lot of these residents have a Christian faith, but because of their needs, it’s become hard for them to express that faith. And because of their frailty, it’s now impossible for most of them to get to church.

SO WE TAKE CHURCH TO THEM! Once a month, at Time Court and at Charlton Park, we help residents to be church in what is now their home. We prepare a simple service that includes traditional hymns and prayers, is interactive and goes at a pace that takes everyone’s needs into consideration. It is sometimes a bit chaotic, but always joyful. For me, there is nothing more moving than to see a flicker of recognition on someone’s face when they hear the Lord’s Prayer. Or hear someone who has otherwise been silent remember a few words from a hymn. It’s a privilege to be alongside people at this most vulnerable time of life so we can worship together.
If you would like to join the team that visits the care homes, please contact Revd Liz or speak to Miriam Kakembo, who can explain more about this rewarding ministry. Our Care home visits happen on Sunday afternoons and fall under the DISCIPLESHIP priority of our Mission Action Plan.