Life Events

Life Events

Christian life is a journey and along the way there are certain milestones and markers which show where we are in our pilgrimage with Christ.
If you are planning to have your child baptized (christened) this section contains information on what baptism is, and what happens at the service.
Confirmation marks the point in a person’s life when they affirm the promises that were made on their behalf at their baptism and commit themselves to life of discipleship. 
Funerals, which mark the end of a person’s life, can be painful and difficult occasions.  They can also be joyful, as the life of the person to whom we are bidding farewell is celebrated.
Sick or In Hospital
If you are ill, or know of anyone in the congregation who is ill or in hospital, please inform the clergy so that visits can be arranged.
If you are planning your wedding, then congratulations from all at St Luke’s and St Thomas'! We are delighted when couples choose to get married in church, and recent changes in the law make this much easier.