Rev’d Liz reminds us how making connections is an important part of our Mission Action Plan, and shares an example of this in action recently
Dear Friends,
Our third mission priority is CONNECTION and on Saturday we had a wonderful example of how churches are in a great place to bring people together so God can make good things happen.
These were Saturday’s CONNECTIONS….
Through LIZ, churchwarden at St Thomas’ and through SARAH, our administrator, we have a connection to COLIN, local music teacher.
He teaches all the members of THE SE7! – a group of young people who love to make music and to perform.
They performed at ST THOMAS last Saturday and 70 PEOPLE came to hear them, creating an AUDIENCE
Some of the audience were FAMILY MEMBERS, some were FRIENDS, some were NEIGHBOURS, some were members of ST THOMAS CONGREGATION, some were members of ST LUKE’S CONGREGATION.
The audience paid to get in and there was a raffle that raised more money – just under £500 in total.
Some of the money raised will be sent to the Syrian Earthquake appeal, blessing those EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS living in SYRIA whose lives have been devastated.
And the rest will be used by St Thomas church, to cover the utilities costs of hosting the schools project, through which hundreds of CHARLTON SCHOOLCHILDREN learn more about the Christian faith and get a warm welcome into church.

When relationships, buildings and good will come together, God can use those things to make wonderful things happen. That’s the power of CONNECTION.
Let’s pray God will keep showing us how to join up the dots so good things can emerge that show us what God’s kingdom is like.
Much love