Revd Liz writes…

As I shared last week, one of the 3 priorities in our Mission Action Plan is WITNESS.
‘Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.’
It’s not clear exactly who said these words, but they are worth reflecting on. If the faith we claim with our lips and hold in our hearts isn’t at work in the day-to-day stuff of our lives, then we may ask what it is worth. And others will certainly ask that. Being a follower of Jesus should show in who we are, how we are and what we do.
One of the ways our churches have decided to act out our faith in the years ahead is by forming partnerships with organisations dedicated to justice, peace and reconciliation. We’ll do that by supporting and celebrating those groups and organisations that safeguard the integrity of creation and build community. They may or may not be Christian in origin, but if they are doing this work, we want to say a massive ‘yes’ to them.
What might we see as a result of this witness? Only God knows! But we pray that God’s mission in the world will be strengthened and that we may grow in understanding that God’s spirit is at work outside the church as well as within it. And it would be wonderful if relationships deepen between those of Christian faith and those of other faiths or none.
One of the organisations dedicated to justice, peace and reconciliation is Greenwich foodbank. We have collection stations in both our churches, encourage donations every week and will be sending our Harvest gifts in their direction.
Greenwich Foodbank’s CEO, Jamie Ginns, has promised to come and preach for us soon but in the meantime, use this link to see him being interviewed in The Guardian this week