This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, when we celebrate our belief in One God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We will worship in church and online on Sunday 12 June at 10.00am and everyone is welcome. The Eucharist will take place at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches. The service from St Thomas’ will also be livestreamed on YouTube and Zoom.
Whether you prefer to be in church or joining the livestreamed service, everyone is welcome.
You can join the online service via our YouTube channel, on Zoom or you can listen via any telephone. Download details for joining our online service(opens in new tab)
Holy Trinity Church
Trinity Sunday is a particularly significant festival for our churches as one of our parishes is called ‘St Luke with Holy Trinity, Charlton.’ Holy Trinity church stood on the corner of Charlton Lane and Woolwich Road until 1973. In our prayers we will give thanks for the witness and mission of Holy Trinity Church and pray for those in our community who still have happy memories of worshipping there.