Revd Liz looks forward as we continue to plan our Christmas activities

Most people in the UK who DON’T regard themselves as Christian, DO celebrate Christmas and Easter. They are national holidays. The traditions that have grown up around these festivals are very well embedded in communities across the country and people know something of the stories about Christ that lie behind them. So Christmas and Easter are good times to reach out to those who wouldn’t say they were followers of Jesus, but are up for joining in some celebrations that link to his birth, death and resurrection. Christmas and Easter are touching points, and that makes connection easier. And if we make the connections, who knows what God might be able to do through them?!
The benefice Community Carol Service and Christingle are examples of those connecting events. They’ve been going for a long time, but in the last few years we’ve got more creative as well with digital Advent and Holy Week calendars, singalongs, art installations, Angels across Charlton and Easter Garden projects to name just some.

Next week we’ll have an update on everything that’s happening for Christmas 2022. We pray that God will bless our connections. And that those we connect with might also connect with the God who’s being celebrated.
Much love Liz