April 2020

A celebration of Easter Gardens
Members of our churches have been at their creative best making Easter Gardens. The gardens are quirky, fun and a fantastic way to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. We hope you enjoy [...]
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Easter Sunday Celebration Eucharist
We’re pleased to share our Easter Sunday Eucharist – Alleluia, Christ is Risen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QsaGAB21gk
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Evening Prayer for Easter Sunday – 12 April
Ally leads us in Evening Prayer today and we invite you to listen in too   Alleluia, Christ is risen!
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Compline (or Night Prayers) on Easter Sunday at 9pm
We invite you to join us for Compline (or Night Prayers) with Rev’d Bennett every Sunday at 9pm. You can watch the service live on Zoom, or listen on any [...]
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