November 2020

Evening Prayer Tuesday November 10th 2020
Evening Prayer and we ask Christ to be with all who feel lonely, to support children who are bullied, to encourage shy people who find it hard to make friends [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday November 10th 2020
Tuesday’s Morning Prayer – Angelique embraces this new day’s opportunities to share Christ’s love and grace. She prays that we emulate God’s light and salt, and approach the day with [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday November 9th 2020
Angelique leads us in Evening Prayer and thanks God for the love that surrounds us, for the gift of people and pets who love us unconditionally and for the sense [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday November 9th 2020
Morning Prayer and Ali E considers how often we may feel alone in a crowd; yet the deep peace that nature offers – the ebb and flow of the sea [...]
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Remembrance Sunday Worship – catch up or watch again
We’re pleased to share a recording of our Remembrance Sunday worship, available for catch up or to watch again. It includes our act of remembrance. Download order of service
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Night Prayers every Sunday at 9pm
Rev’d Bennett leads us in Night Prayers (known as Compline) every Sunday night at 9pm. We’ll be live on Zoom and you can join online or listen on any telephone Download [...]
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Join our Remembrance Sunday service on 8 November at 10am
Our All Age Remembrance Sunday service is at 10am on 8 November. During the service we will hear the words of remembrance and keep silence. We hope you can join [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday November 7th 2020
Our final Evening Prayer from Ally W this week, as she considers faith in-extremis. Ally prays for us all – that what we have learned in sorrow will stiffen our resolve [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday November 7th 2020
Their last Morning Prayer this week – Cyril and Felicity consider the death of millions of soldiers in war and earnestly pray that all nations on God’s earth strive to [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday November 6th 2020
Ally W prays that our souls and bodies are placed in the Holy Trinity’s refuge this night and for always in our Evening Prayer.
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