We hope you can join our Fayre at St Thomas’ Church on 4 November, around the time of All Souls’ Day – 11.00am – 2.30pm.
On Sale: We will have a wide selection of goods on sale, from individual sellers, local community groups and church based groups.
Take a moment in our specially commissioned reflective memorial installation, commissioned in our high altar space, featuring individual names of those loved and lost.
Bring the kids: Families will be able to join in a craft session making an Autumnal themed decoration to display in their own home for price of £5.00 per item. This session is led by our talented team that led our Christmas Wreath sessions in 2022.
Join us for lunch in our café area; we are expecting to include a bread and soup lunch as well as the usual light refreshments.
St Thomas’ Church, Woodland Terrace, SE7 8EW