Author: Michael Griffiths

Sunday Worship and the London Marathon – 2 October
We will be worshiping at St Luke’s and St Thomas’ this Sunday, and the service from St Thomas’ will be broadcast online and via telephone to people at home. The [...]
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Afternoon Concert – Friday 30 September
Please join us on 30 September at 3.00pm for a concert at St Thomas’ Church. Tickets are just £5.00 and include tea and cakes.
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Serving God and the Community – Our Mission Priorities
What is the church for? We’re here to TELL – to share God’s good news. We’re here to TEACH – to pass on the faith and make new believers. We’re [...]
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A prayer for King Charles III and our nation
Joan leads us in a prayer published by the Church of England Everlasting God, we pray for our new King.Bless his reign and the life of our nation.Help us to [...]
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Our weekly newsletter – 25 September
The weekly newsletter has information about activities happening in our churches, when our services take place and prayers for the week. View this week’s email on this link. Our newsletter [...]
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Join us for worship on Sunday 25 September, 10.00am
We will gather for worship in church and online on Sunday 18 September at 10.00am and everyone is welcome. The Eucharist will take place at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s [...]
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Compline (or night prayers) every Sunday at 9pm
We welcome you to a short service of  Night Prayers (known as Compline) every Sunday night at 9pm. We’ll be live on Zoom and you can join online or listen [...]
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Evening Prayer at St Richard’s Chapel
Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6.00pm we say a short service of Evening Prayer. Join us in the beautiful Chapel at St Richard’s Church Centre. The entrance is in Sundorne [...]
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Thursday Coffee Morning and Midday Eucharist at St Luke’s
A simple midweek service of Holy Communion has started again at St Luke’s, 12 noon on Thursday. Everyone is welcome. There is no sermon, but there is music for reflection [...]
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A prayer of thanksgiving for the life of Queen Elizabeth II
Revd Liz leads us in prayer this week. This prayer from Christian Aid is in memory of Queen Elizabeth Photo with thanks to J Martin
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