
My Oberammergau Passion Play Experience
My name is Maria and this experience started with a phone call in May from a pilgrimage travel company asking for help in Oberammergau, a small village in South Germany. [...]
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Worship on Sunday 19 June
We will worship in church and online on Sunday 19 June at 10.00am and everyone is welcome. The Eucharist will take place at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches. The [...]
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Our weekly newsletter – update for Sunday 19 June
Our weekly Newsletter will keep you up to date with all the latest information, prayers and news from our churches.  Here you can download the edition for Sunday 19 June (opens [...]
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A prayer for the week
Every week one of our members records a prayer for us to share. This week, Amabel leads us in a short prayer attributed to Venerable Bede Bede was a monk [...]
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Our weekly newsletter – Sunday 12 June
Our weekly Newsletter will keep you up to date with all the latest information, prayers and news from our churches. You can download the edition for Sunday 12 June here (opens in [...]
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A prayer to use every day
We share a short prayer you can pray every day God in my waking God in my thinking God in my actions Take my everyday life and live in me. [...]
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Weekly Newsletter – Sunday 5 June
Our weekly Newsletter will keep you up to date with all the latest information, prayers and news from our churches. Download the current edition here (opens in new tab) Our [...]
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Platinum Jubilee Prayers
Members of our churches have recorded two prayers to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Please pray with us
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Worship on Trinity Sunday – 12 June
This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, when we celebrate our belief in One God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We will worship in church and online on Sunday 12 [...]
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Celebrate Pentecost and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Sunday 5 June
There’s a warm welcome for everyone when we worship in church and online on Sunday 5 June at 10.00am. The Eucharist will take place at at St Thomas’ and St [...]
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