
Our weekly newsletter
In our newsletter this week Revd Liz introduces some of the resources available this Lent and details the activities we’ll be following. There’s also details about a special service in [...]
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Prayer for the week
Michael leads us in a prayer written by Ven Bill Braviner. He prays that we serve God by living out his love for other people
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 28 January
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 28 January, 10.00am – Candlemas and Generous Giving Sunday This Sunday, everyone will worship [...]
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Weekly newsletter
In the newsletter this week there is a reminder that our congregations will worship together on Sunday at St Thomas’ Church – there is no service at St Luke’s this [...]
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Prayer for the week
As we prepare to celebrate the feast of Candlemas (also known as the Presentation of Christ in the Temple), Jean leads us in the words of the Nunc Dimittis. These [...]
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Generous Giving
During January, our churches will focus on the theme of Generous Giving. We’ll have: Generous Giving is about financial giving (GIVE), sharing time and talents (HELP) and asking God to [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 21 January
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 21 January, 10.00am – Epiphany 3 and Generous Giving Sunday We gather at St [...]
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A Prayer for the week
Humphrey leads us in prayer this week. Last week the war in Gaza passed 100 days. In a prayer released by Embrace the Middle East, Humphrey laments for those who [...]
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Newsletter for Sunday 21 January
Each week we publish our newsletter. This week Revd Liz shares news of the Church of England’s new Living in Love and Faith prayers that support couples in same sex [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 14 January
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 14 January, 10.00am – Epiphany 2 and Generous Giving Sunday We gather at St [...]
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