
  • on 8th October 2022

Harvest Festival – Sunday 9 October, 10.00am

At our Harvest Festival celebration we will collect non-perishable food to share with our mission partners at the Greenwich Foodbank. We will thank God for our daily food and all who work to produce it. As a thanksgiving, we will bring non perishable food to share with our friends at the Foodbank.

You can find out more about the work of Greenwich Foodbank and ways you can support them by using this link to their website

Everyone is welcome to our services at 10.00am in St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches. The service from St Luke’s will be broadcast to people at home.

You can join the online service via our YouTube channel, on Zoom or you can listen via any telephone. Download details for joining our online service (opens in new tab)

Download order of service (opens in new tab)

Following this service, there will be a short break before a Bible Study begins. The Bible Study is online. Please stay on the Zoom meeting or come back at about 11.30am to take part.

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