Our churches are opening again for public worship on Thursday 1st April – Maundy Thursday. Details of all Holy Week and Easter services can be found under ‘Lent and Easter”
With every blessing
Revd Liz Newman

Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 16 March
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 16 March, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist Jerusalem, Jerusalem We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist on the Second Sunday of Lent. The service from St Luke’s will be livestreamed to people […]
Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 9 March
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 9 March, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist on the First Sunday of Lent. The service from St Luke’s will be livestreamed to people at home. […]
Afternoon Tea concert, Friday 21 March
We have another special live music event happening at St Thomas Church on Friday 21 March at 3pm, featuring churchwarden and classical tenor James Kinsella and his friends, classical singers Sarah Ince and Amanda Kent. They will be accompanied by Dominic Barlow on piano. Pianist Irena Albova will also be performing. Tickets are £10 and […]
Heather’s Hot Pot, Sunday 9 March
We are delighted to welcome back Heather Hoyle and her band to St Thomas Church for another fantastic evening of live music. This time Heather will be launching her new project, 24 Carat Nazar! As well as performing popular jazz numbers, the band will showcase a more upbeat sound, featuring Afro Beats, Latin, salsa, house, […]
Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 2 March
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 2 March, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist on the Sunday before Lent. The service from St Luke’s will be livestreamed to people at home. Whether […]
Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 23 February
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 23 February, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist Master, master! We are perishing! We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist on the Second Sunday before Lent. The service from St Luke’s will be […]
Community Cafe at St Richard’s
The next community café at St Richard’s is on Tuesday 25 February at 2.00pm. It’s more than just a pop-in place to have a cuppa. It is a place to meet up with old friends and make new ones, jointly hosted by St Richard’s and Central Charlton Residents Association in a warm, cosy and friendly […]
Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 16 February
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 16 February, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist a great multitude of people We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist on the Third Sunday before Lent. The service from St Luke’s will be […]
Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 9 February
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 9 February, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist let down your nets for a catch We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist on the Fourth Sunday before Lent. The service from St Luke’s, […]
Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 2 February
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 2 February, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist. This week we celebrate the feast of Candlemas (also known as The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple). […]
Revd Joe Lee – RIP
Revd Liz writes… It’s with enormous sadness that I need to let you know that Revd Joe Lee died in Lewisham hospital at 8.15am on Wednesday 6th November. Joe had been very unwell for a few months, much of which he’d spent in hospital. Although he had returned home and had regained some strength, it […]
Composting at St Luke’s
One of the Church of England’s mission priorities is ‘to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.’ We are grateful to Blanca and Deborah for sharing these ideas to help us produce high quality compost. They will help us get good quality soil to grow our […]