One of the Church of England’s mission priorities is ‘to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.’
We are grateful to Blanca and Deborah for sharing these ideas to help us produce high quality compost. They will help us get good quality soil to grow our seeds!!!
“the seed that fell into good soil, is the man who hears the word and understands it”. (Matthew 13; 23)
The Royal Horticulture Society tell us that “home-made compost is a brilliant soil improver and mulch.”
What can be included:
- Fruit and veggie scraps (except citrus peel and onion)
- Coffee grounds
- Tea bags (if made with natural materials)
- Loose leaf tea
- Soy/rice/almond or coconut milk
- Flowers
- Grass clippings
- Cardboard (thin and in small pieces)
What cannot be included:

- Citrus peels- oranges, lemons (too acidic)
- Onions, garlic and leeks (too acidic)
- Fish, meat and whole eggs
- Dairy products
- Stickers (on fruit peels)
The mini compost bin is located in the Remembrance Garden – and can be accessed via the path to the right of the church, closest to the entrance by the dry cleaners.
The mini compost bin is placed on the first grave located in direct view on entering the garden.
We look forward to receiving your contributions to help us get good quality soil!! Thank you!