Revd Liz introduces our activities during Lent
Dear Friends
Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, 22 February and continues through to Holy Week and up until Easter Sunday. It’s a time when Christians try to draw closer to God through Bible study, prayer, fasting and charitable giving.
Lent is a penitential season. That means we reflect especially on the ways in which we mess up and fail to be the people God calls us to be. That can be a painful thing to do. But being honest with God and asking for forgiveness is also liberating. It’s good for the soul.

Many people lead busy lives and finding extra time to grow as disciples can be a big ask. So we hope that this booklet, Dust and Glory, will offer you an achievable simple goal for each day of Lent. Dust and Glory has daily Bible readings, short reflections, prayers and practical ideas to help you make sense of life’s challenges. There will be copies available in our churches for you to take away on Sunday 19 and 26 February.
For those who like to talk and pray these things over with others, Peter Griffiths has kindly offered to host a group at his home on Wednesdays in Lent 2.30 – 4.00pm starting on 1 March. Text 07922587263, or sign up in church if you’d like to join this group.
Failure is part of life. But feeling you’ve failed is not a comfortable thing. So I’m looking forward to dipping into this booklet every day between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. And hoping it will change my attitude towards failure. I hope it will help me to understand that we all fail. That God knows that but loves us still. And I’m hoping to understand better how God has things to show us when we don’t run away from him in shame.
Please watch this space too for more news about a Quiet Day during Lent.
Providing opportunities for all ages that encourage people to explore and deepen their faith and vocation is one of our benefice goals. It comes under the discipleship priority of our Mission Action Plan.
Much love, Liz

You can also download the Dust and Glory app for your mobile device. The app is free from your usual app store, or you can find out more at the Church of England website.