Revd Liz reflects on how climate change impacts our mission and makes a call for action in our churches
Dear Friends,
The 5th mark of mission is TREASURE – just one word that sums up a longer sentence: To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
There’s a variety of ways our churches are trying to tread lightly on the planet God has given us as home:
Striving to reduce our carbon footprint
Cherishing and developing the green spaces we are responsible for
Ensuring we explore what our Christian faith commits us to as individuals and as a church
Linking with environmental issues in our work with local schools and our young people
Making sure the climate crisis and its impact are on the agenda in our intercessions and in our Sunday worship

Looking at how we can make our buildings greener and more sustainable.
If you feel strongly about the responsibility of Christians to live out God’s calling to care for creation and equip others to do likewise, I would love to hear from you.
Perhaps you could help our churches make sure that care for the environment is always an integral part of who and what we in Charlton Benefice.
Much love