Revd Liz writes about how technology is helping us share the Good News this Advent and Christmas
Dear Friends
When our usual way of doing things doesn’t work, it can drive us to find alternatives. We couldn’t easily meet in person during the pandemic, but we still wanted to connect and share the message of hope that we’ve found in Jesus. So as well as online worship, we put installations in the churchyards and, for the first time, started a digital Advent Calendar. God is always making space for good things to emerge out of hardship and this creativity is one of those good things. The all-new digital Advent calendar will make its 3rd appearance this year. (Use this link or click on the image below to open the Advent Calendar)
The Advent Calendar comes under the discipleship priority of our MAP where we’ve committed to ‘Develop creative ways to engage and share the good news of Christmas and Easter with local non-churchgoing neighbours’.
With Love,