We are proud to present three concerts in our churches during March and April. We hope you can join us

Magnificent band of local Young People perform popular and original music at St Thomas Church on Saturday 4 March, 5.00pm for 5.30pm
Tickets on door £5.00 adults £1.00 accompanied children
Musical director – Colin Foord Divers
Proceeds divided between the Turkish/Syrian Earthquake disaster (Embrace the Middle East) and St Thomas Church.

The Charlton Ensemble
The Charlton Ensemble return to St Thomas’ Church on Sunday 19 March at 5.00pm. These local musicians will be performing a mixture of classical, opera and easy listening music.
This concert will be raising funds for a Community Defibrillator

ARISE – An evening of music celebrating new beginnings
From Gospel to Classical with local musicians
Saturday 8 April, 7.00pm St Luke’s Church, The Village, Charlton SE7 8UG
Tickets £10 available on this link