Our weekly newsletter
Our newsletter is published weekly and is packed with updates and prayers from our churches. Catch up with the latest news and activities happening at St Luke’s, St Thomas’ and [...]
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Memorial Service for Viscount Shane Gough
Everyone is welcome at the memorial service for our late patron, Lord Gough. We know how much Lord Gough valued his links with Charlton, and this will be a fitting [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 24 September
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 24 September, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist for Harvest This Sunday is our Harvest Festival [...]
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A prayer for this week
Liz leads us in prayer this week. She prays that we open our hearts and lives to the Holy Spirit
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This week’s newsletter
Our weekly newsletter is packed with updates and prayers from our churches. Catch up with the latest news and activities happening at St Luke’s, St Thomas’ and St Richard’s. Read [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 17 September
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 17 September, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s [...]
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A prayer for Libya
This week Alison leads us in prayer. Alison prays for the people of Libya following the devastating floods there. This prayer has been written and distributed by our friends at [...]
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Our weekly newsletter
Our newsletter is packed with updates and prayers from our churches. Catch up with the latest news and activities happening at St Luke’s, St Thomas’ and St Richard’s. Read our [...]
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Community Choir
The Community Choir has been meeting for a year. We’re a really mixed group of people: But we are all having a great time and would love you to join [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 10 September
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 10 September, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist and All Age Worship We meet at St [...]
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