Sunday Sung Eucharist: 10am (St Luke's and St Thomas') Wednesday Midweek Communion: 12 noon (St Luke's) Monday to Thursday Morning Prayer: 8.30am (St Luke's) Evening Prayer: 5.30pm (St Thomas')
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A Joyful Christmas and Peaceful New Year
This week I visited a member of one of our congregations a home and asked her what he plans were for Christmas day. Was she going to her family or [...]
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Sermon 1st Sunday of Christmas 2017
Sermon by Revd Bennett Spong at St Lukes on 31st December 2017
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Sermon 1st Sunday of Christmas 2017
Sermon by Revd Joe Lee at St Thomas' on 31st December 2017
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Prayer for Zimbabwe
On Wednesday 15 November, the Diocese issued the following prayer for Zimbabwe, written by the Dean of Southwark, which all are encouraged to use. ‘The eternal God is your refuge, [...]
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Sermon Christmas Day 2017
Sermon by Revd Bennett Spong at St Luke's on Christmas Day 2017
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Sermon Midnight Mass 2017
Sermon by Revd Liz Newman at St Thomas' Midnight Mass 25th December 2017
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Sermon 4th Sunday of Advent 2017
Sermon by Revd Liz Newman at St Lukes 24th December 2017
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Sermon – 2nd Sunday Advent 2017
Sermon by Joe Lee at St Thomas' on 10th December 2017
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Sermon – 1st Sunday of Advent 2017
Sermon by Revd Joe Lee at St Luke's on 3rd December 2017
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