Memorial Concert for Richard McLaren
We are grateful to Gwen for sharing news of a concert being given in memory of Richard McLaren and his mother, Nancy, on Saturday 18 May 2024. The concert takes [...]
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History of St Luke’s films
We were thrilled to welcome the enthusiastic historian, Alun Butler, to St Luke’s recently. Alun has made several films about the history of churches in SE London and published them [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 5 May
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 5 May, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s [...]
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A prayer for this week
Revd Liz leads us in a prayer for Refugees. Last week we mourned the death of five people who lost their lives in the English Channel while they were trying [...]
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This week’s newsletter
In our newsletter this week, Revd Liz writes about the work of Christian Aid and how our churches will be supporting Christian Aid Week next Sunday. Also in the newsletter [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 28 April
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 28 April, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s [...]
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Welcare Quiz Night, Saturday 4 May
We’re pleased to be hosting the Welcare Quiz Night at St Thomas’ on Saturday 4 May, 7.00pm. There’ll be a fish and chip supper and the tickets are just £12. [...]
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Prayer for the week
Arek leads us in prayer this week. This prayer is attributed to St Augustine and is ideal to be used every evening.
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Our weekly newsletter
In this week’s newsletter Revd Liz writes about the forthcoming Annual Meetings in both St Thomas’ and St Luke’s. There’s information about a series of summer walks that will cover [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 21 April
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 21 April, 11.15am – Parish Eucharist With the London Marathon taking place through the [...]
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