
  • on 24th June 2023

Refugee stories

One way we carry out our mission priorities is to make connections with with other organisations. To celebrate Refugee Week, Rev’d Liz has recorded two conversations with people in our borough who work or volunteer to support refugees and asylum seekers. We are hugely grateful to Oksana and Rob for giving up their time to share their experiences with us. And we thank them for their inspiration and dedication.

We’re proud to stand alongside Ukrainian Support Greenwich. Oksana Kalana founded and co-ordinates USG. In this conversation, she tells us about her work and the issues Ukrainian people are facing.

Our churches are also pleased to support the work of Care 4 Calais. Robert Keeling is a C4C volunteer in Greenwich. He shares with us his experiences of why people are coming to the UK seeking asylum as well as ideas about what we can do to support people.

In his conversation, Rob mentioned that there are other organisations that work with refugees and people seeking asylum. One such is Refugee Action. They have prepared a series of wonderful short case studies that tell the personal stories of refugees and the issues they face. You can catch up with these Refugee Voices by visiting their website.

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