
  • on 24th January 2024

Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 21 January

Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities.

Sunday 21 January, 10.00am – Epiphany 3 and Generous Giving Sunday

We gather at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s churches for the 10.00am Eucharist. During this Epiphany season we will focus our thoughts on the theme of Generous Giving.

The service from St Luke’s will be livestreamed to people at home. To join the service online you can use this link to YouTube. The service will also be live on Zoom where you can join online or listen via any telephone. Download full details for joining our online service

Download order of service

Sunday 21 January – Bible Study

Following the Parish Eucharist, there will be a short break before a Bible Study begins. The study is online. Please stay on the Zoom meeting or come back at about 11.30am to take part.

Sunday 21 January, 9.00pm – Compline

We finish our Sunday with a short service of Compline (or night prayers). We meet on Zoom where you can join online or dial in on any telephone.

Download Compline joining instructions

Download Compline order of service

Tuesday 23 January, 6.00pm – Evening Prayer

We meet in the beautiful chapel at St Richard’s Church Centre for a service of Evening Prayer at 6.00pm. The entrance to the chapel is in Sundorne Road.

Wednesday 24 January, 10.00am – Play Café

The Play Café for 0-3 year olds takes place at St Richard’s Church Centre on Wednesday’s, 10.00-11.30am. While the children play, parents and carers can chat and catch up over a cuppa.

Thursday 25 January, 10.00am – Coffee Morning

Join us from 10.00am at St Luke’s for a chance to catch up with friends and make new friends too. As well as having a chat, this is a great opportunity to look around our historic church.

Thursday 25 January, 12 noon – Holy Communion

Following the Coffee Morning, a simple midweek service of Holy Communion takes place at St Luke’s. Everyone is welcome.

There is no sermon, but there is music for reflection and prayers are said for the church, world, community and those in need. This oasis in the middle of the week may be just what you need.

Thursday 25 January, 6.00pm – Evening Prayer

We’re back in the chapel at St Richard’s Church Centre for a service of Evening Prayer at 6.00pm. The entrance to the chapel is in Sundorne Road.

St Luke’s Church, The Village, London, SE7 8UG

St Thomas’ Church, Woodland Terrace, SE7 8EW

St Richard’s Chapel, Sundorne Road, London, SE7 7PP

St Richard’s Church Centre, Swallowfield Road, London, SE7 7NR

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