December 2020

Morning Prayer Wednesday December 16th 2020
The dawn is breaking upon us to dispel the lingering shadows of night – Joseph and Nick lead our uplifting Morning Prayer. They ask for us to be enlightened, for [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday December 15th 2020
God gathers to him his faithful – our Evening Prayer is led by Laura and Amelia tonight. All is our Lord’s creation, everything and all of us are drawn back [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday December 15th 2020
The night is fast spent and the day is at hand – Joseph and Nick ask our Lord to accept and forgive us, to remind us of how precious life [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday December 14th 2020
Amelia and Laura’s first Evening Prayer for us this week – our souls are waiting for you oh Lord, in your word is our hope… Laura and Amelia ask for [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday December 14th 2020
Morning Prayer – Nick and Joseph lead us this week and today thank our Lord for protecting us through the night. They pray that we are kept safe this day [...]
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Catch up on our Service from Sunday 13 December
We’re pleased to share a recording of our All Age Service from Sunday 13 December. Our these is ‘Showing the way to Jesus’ Download order of service
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Join Our All age Livestreamed Service On Sunday 13 December At 10am
We continue the Advent season this Sunday, the period when we prepare for Christ’s coming. The theme for our All-Age worship will be Showing the way to Jesus. We’ll be worshipping [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday December 12th 2020
Our final Evening Prayer from Hugh and Adelaide this week. Hugh considers the apostles and ordained ministers of the church and prays that they may be upheld in their work [...]
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Weekly Newsletter
You can catch up with the latest news from our churches, as well as our weekly prayers, in our Newsletter Download Newsletter   If you’d like to receive news from [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday December 12th 2020
Our Rector Liz leads Morning Prayer for final time this week; Liz reminds us that Jesus came that we might have life abundantly. She prays for Christ’s mercy – that [...]
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