Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Thursday May 27th 2021
Michael prays that our Lord will look upon the humble and lowly – renewing our strength and determination to complete God’s purpose for us. When we feel we have run [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday May 27th 2021
Barbara’s Morning Prayer – she considers us all in times of need and trouble, as she reads Psalm 143. She asks that we hear of God’s; “loving-kindness in the morning, [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday May 26th 2021
Michael gives thanks for the moon and the stars to govern the night – for all that our God of Heaven gives us – especially the power of enduring mercy. [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday May 26th 2021
Morning Prayer with Barbara who greets the day with a reading from Psalm 119; “Great is your compassion, O Lord; give me life, according to your judgements.” Barbara prays that we [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday May 25th 2021
Evening Prayer starts with Michael reading Psalm 136; “Remember us, O God, and shape our history, form our inward eyes to see the shadow of the life-giving cross in the [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday May 25th 2021
Barbara reads the whole of Psalm 132 which recalls promises made to David. Barbara thanks God for Pentecost; “on this day you taught the hearts of your faithful people by [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday May 24th 2021
Michael G reads Psalm 127 which considers the value of sleeping well and the gift of having children. Michael marks John and Charles Wesley’s anniversary by reciting their Covenant prayer; [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday 24th 2021
Our Morning Prayer this week is led by Barbara who prays for us as we start the day – we gaze at Christ’s face, pierced side and wounded heart – [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday May 22nd 2021
Rob’s final prayers this week – as we consider five individuals we are praying for as part of ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, and the uniqueness of all whom we pray for. [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday May 22nd 2021
Psalm 42 this Morning Prayer – “As the deer longs for the water brooks, so longs my soul for you, O God”, our last prayer this week with Ali E, [...]
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