Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Saturday May 15th 2021
Evening Prayer – Rick’s final prayer this week and he recites Psalms 84 and 85 – contemplating God’s temple and God’s mercy. Rick asks that all who hear God’s word [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday May 15th 2021
Our last Morning Prayer with Blanca this week who prays that God’s spirit bring light and life to all creation today, so that we may walk as children of light. [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday May 14th 2021
Evening Prayer and Rick reads Psalm 80 – this psalm includes prayers for Israel and relates the story of a ‘vine’ brought out of Egypt by God. Rick reminds us [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday May 14th 2021
“As your Spirit moved over the face of the waters bringing light and life to your creation” we offer our Morning Prayer. Blanca recites Psalm 16 and considers faith, asking [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday May 13th 2021
Ascension day – Rick asks God that our hearts and minds may ascend to heaven and live there forever. Rick reminds us Christ Jesus is exalted at the right hand [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday May 13th 2021
Blanca celebrates Ascension day this Morning Prayer, reading Psalm 110; “Lord Jesus, divine Son and eternal priest, inspire us with the confidence of your final conquest over evil”. Blanca asks [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday May 12th 2021
Rick reads Psalm 50 where he considers sin and penitence, and Psalm 24 which remindsĀ us that God is the creator and invisible sustainer of our universe. Rick reminds us that [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday May 12th 2021
Blanca reminds us that today is the last Rogation day before Ascension day, we pray for those who work to feed us all, that everyone who asks receives, those who [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday May 11th 2021
Evening Prayer with Rick who reads Psalm 128 and Psalm 130; “My soul waits for the Lord, more than the night watch for the morning”. Rick commends all living in [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday May 11th 2021
“The night has passed and the day lies open before us”, Blanca leads our Morning Prayer and asks Christ our Morning Star who knows no setting, to help us find [...]
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