Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Monday May 10th 2021
Our first Evening Prayer led by Rick who reads Psalm 121 this evening, which reminds us about trust; “I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where is my [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday May 10th 2021
Christian Aid Week – as this charity campaigns for social justice, this year it asks us to examine how we are destroying our environment. Our climate crisis hurts all – [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday May 8th 2021
Ansai’s final, calming Evening Prayer with us tonight – Psalm 118 reminds us of God’s protection; “he has given us light; link the pilgrims with cords right to the horns of [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday May 8th 2021
Our last Morning Prayer this week with Revd. Bennett as he prays for our community and reads Psalm 146. Bennett prays that we learn how to live in our world [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday May 7th 2021
Evening Prayer – Ansai quietly recalls that through God, dark death has been destroyed and radiant life is everywhere restored. Ansai reminds us to bless our God; “who holds our [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday 7th May 2021
Morning Prayer – Bennett rejoices with us for God’s mercy, faithfulness and love are with us. He reminds us that we are delivered from the dominion of darkness and should [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday May 6th 2021
From the deep waters of death, God brought us to new birth by raising Christ to life in triumph. Ansai recites Psalm 104 which considers the beauty of our natural [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday May 6th 2021
“Awake, my soul; awake, harp and lyre, that I may awaken the dawn.” Bennett steadfastly proclaims Psalm 57 at the start of our day. Bennett leads Morning Prayer and prays for [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday May 5th 2021
Ansai considers Christ’s resurrection, which has given us new life and renewed hope. She asks God to help us live as new people in pursuit of the Christian ideal, and [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday May 5th 2021
Our priest leads Morning Prayer and recites Psalm 30, where God has turned our mornings into dancing! Revd. Bennett asks us to pray for all those involved in the shaping [...]
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