Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Friday March 12th 2021
Evening Prayer – Ansai prays that we may grow to be open and generous in our giving to others and gracious and grateful for what we receive, and to all [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday March 12th 2021
Our Morning Prayer with Liz B who recites Psalm 22; “My God my God why have you forsaken me…” Liz gives praise to God for his mercy and compassion and [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday March 11th 2021
Ansai leads our Evening Prayer, asking God to open our eyes to acknowledge God’s presence, she reads from Psalm 59 reminding us God is our strong tower and our refuge [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday March 11th 2021
Thank you for bringing us to the start of a new day – may this day be dedicated to our Lord. We remember in our prayers all those who improve [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday March 10th 2021
Evening Prayer with Ansai who contemplates natural forces and disasters such as heavy rain and floods – sometimes seen as a punishment from God. She recites a traditional prayer which [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday March 10th 2021
We pray for God’s healing and deliverance this Morning Prayer. Liz thanks our Lord that we have passed through night and now greet a day of new possibilities and directions. [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday March 9th 2021
Ansai’s Evening Prayer – she prays that when we cannot see God’s face, that our Lord will help us to see God in other people’s, especially essential workers, first responders [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday March 9th 2021
The night is passed and the day lies open before us – Liz B gives thanks that we have woken to see a new dawn this Morning Prayer. She reads [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday March 8th 2021
Our Evening Prayer and Ansai reminds us that to have nothing is to possess all – that the gift of paradox is to see the way down can be the [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday March 8th 2021
Liz B leads Morning Prayer this week and she gives thanks that we are able to rise to live another day. Liz praises God for the creation we see renewed [...]
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