Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Monday November 23rd 2020
Rob starts Evening Prayer this week by offering up prayers for the vulnerable: Homeless people, prisoners of conscience and political prisoners, those suffering mental and physical ill health and those [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday November 23rd 2020
Catherine’s leads our first Morning Prayer this week and she prays that we put our trust in God more, to gain greater peace, hope, patience and wisdom. Catherine also reminds [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday November 21st 2020
Evening Prayer and our final one with Gina and Ali as we ask our Lord to guide us as we pray for our church – like a shepherd that cares [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday November 21st 2020
Our last Morning Prayer with Rick this week as he thanks God that there is nothing – not even the disconnect caused by this pandemic – that separates us from [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday November 20th 2020
Evening Prayer and we consider with Ali a child’s-eye view of bed time, that God guards us through the night, renews not just our tired bodies but also the depths [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday November 20th 2020
Rick considers the compassion that God shows us all – for knowing every thought of every thread we have – trading our worries for peace, and he leads us in [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday November 19th 2020
Evening Prayer and we pray for all nations and people as they face life’s troubles and perils; we pray for the bereaved, the vulnerable, the lonely and the exhausted – [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday November 19th 2020
Morning Prayer and Rick asks that God protect medical and care workers who put the welfare of others before themselves. We pray for those who have lost their jobs or [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday November 18th 2020
As darkness draws near we consider perception and how things are not always as clear as they appear to be at face value  – Evening Prayer and Ali and Polly [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday November 17th 2020
Rick prays for all of God’s people – that we may be united in the bonds of peace and love. In Christ there is no darkness – through Morning Prayer [...]
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