Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Thursday November 5th 2020
Evening Prayer – Ally reminds us that the light of Christ dispels the darkness of our hearts. We hold before God those who have hard decisions to make, who struggle [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday November 5th 2020
Morning Prayer – the night has passed and the day lies open before us. Felicity and Cyril pray that the narrowness of our vision, which prevents us from entering into [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday November 4th 2020
We commend our loved ones, ourselves and all those we meet today into Christ’s hands during our Evening Prayer, as Ally prays for us to have a quiet night’s sleep.
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Morning Prayer Wednesday November 4th 2020
Felicity and Cyril pray for us to have greater understanding of what it is to be a child, and for children everywhere to be safe and enveloped in love this Morning [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday November 3rd 2020
Evening Prayer and Ally contemplates nature and how our Lord imprints the whole universe with the mystery of life; Ally reminds us that all creation proclaims Christ’s love, from the smallest [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday November 3rd 2020
Today’s joyful Morning Prayer is led by Felicity and Cyril as they thank our Lord for giving us life and loving us. Cyril and Felicity pray that Christ’s guiding hand [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday November 2nd 2020
This week our Evening Prayer is led by Ally W, who reminds us that in our souls we have darkness, restlessness and lack of understanding – yet with God there [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday November 2nd 2020
Morning Prayer and Felicity and Cyril consider strength of prayer through unity. God is our strength and we are strong in the power of his might, as we unite our [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday October 31st 2020
Our Evening Prayer proclaims Christ’s resurrection and our salvation, so that we may serve and live in Christ’s risen life – this is Patricia’s joyful and final prayer for us [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday October 31st 2020
Our last Morning Prayer with Remi – who thanks God for the gift of a new day – so that we may pass its hours in the perfect freedom of Christ’s [...]
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