Author: Sarah

Morning Prayer Wednesday October 14th 2020
Time for Morning Prayer and Rick reminds us that we stand alongside all that is made by our Lord. From soaring birds to scuttling insects, all are God’s creation and [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday October 13th 2020
Sheila and Jim are alternating readings for Evening Prayer this week. Tonight Sheila prays for us all – that our bodies may rest as we sleep – and that the [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday October 13th 2020
Our Morning Prayer for today is led by Rick, who prays that we live today compassionate of heart, sensitive and aware of other’s feelings and needs and courageous enough to [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday October 12th 2020
Jim leads us through Evening Prayer and contemplates our companionship with God and with every person and being that touches our lives. Jim prays that we recognise God in one [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday October 12th 2020
Rick’s first Morning Prayer this week and he asks that we be given strength to meet the coming day in peace and that Christ teach us to pray, so that [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday October 10th 2020
Revd. Bennett Spong asks in his last Evening Prayer this week, that God grant us a spirit of love and power, not fear, to live each day as well as [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday October 10th 2020
Our last Morning Prayer with Judith as she considers faith; Judith prays for us all and that Christ will carry us all through the power of love, for all that [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday October 9th 2020
Our priest Bennett leads Evening Prayer tonight and prays that we discern God in all that we see and in all that we do.
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Morning Prayer Friday October 9th 2020
Judith considers the road to Emmaus and how we sometimes are incapable of recognising Christ. Judith prays for us that, we may be able to open our eyes and hearts [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday October 8th 2020
Evening Prayer and Bennett reminds us of our responsibility to care for God’s creation and that we love our planet, that Jesus Christ walked upon.
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