Author: Sarah

Morning Prayer Friday October 2nd 2020
Our Morning Prayer and Peter prays that each new dawn brings with it fresh opportunities and renewal to live in God’s redeeming love.
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Evening Prayer Thursday October 1st 2020
Evening Prayer considers the plight of refugees fleeing danger and living on the streets of our cities – our prayers are lead by Nicholas and Joseph.    
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Morning Prayer Thursday October 1st 2020
In our Morning Prayer – Peter asks our Lord to teach us to be satisfied with just enough and to trust in God’s providence.
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Evening Prayer Wednesday September 30th 2020
Joseph & Nicholas pray for us all – that we may have a renewed sense of joy that fills every corner of our hearts and gives us gallant courage and [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday 30th October 2020
Peter greets us with our Morning Prayer and asks that we pray for our families and for those we do not know – especially people who are homeless and in [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday September 29th 2020
Evening Prayer – Nicholas and Joseph pray together for us, so that we may be open to our Lord’s wonders, serve all with reverence, and know our Lord’s peace at [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday September 29th 2020
Peter asks our Lord to give us hearts that are content with simple joys, such as a love of nature,  laughter and companionship, in our Morning Prayer today.
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Evening Prayer Monday September 28th 2020
Joseph and Nicholas read our Evening Prayer for the first time this week and pray for God’s salvation for us all.
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Morning Prayer Monday September 28th 2020
Peter reads our first Morning Prayer for this week and thanks God for the water of life we drink from every day.
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Evening Prayer Saturday September 26th 2020
In her last Evening Prayer this week – Liz asks that we appreciate the simple things of life, strive for justice for all, live in harmony with our neighbours and [...]
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