Author: Sarah

Morning Prayer Wednesday September 9th 2020
Our Morning Prayer is read by Joelle, who prays for Christ to be with us, beside us, in moments of quiet and always in our hearts.
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Evening Prayer Tuesday September 8th 2020
Evening Prayer is lead by Dom – who reads St Francis of Assisi’s prayer – confident of God’s protection for this day.
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Morning Prayer Tuesday September 8th 2020
Our Morning Prayer is read by Joelle who prayers for God’s peace and joy, and that these gifts fill our lives as we go about our day.
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Evening Prayer Monday September 7th 2020
Dom leads our Evening Prayer – thanking God for a quiet night’s sleep – a prayer written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
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Morning Prayer Monday September 7th 2020
Joelle reads our Morning Prayer and thanks God for the sounds of nature, for sunrise and for waking up to another day.
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Evening Prayer Saturday September 5th 2020
The last of our Evening Prayer this week from Liz – we pray for one another as we continue on our journey and gives thanks for all the good things [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday September 5th 2020
We praise and bless the Lord in our Morning Prayer,  led for the last time this week by Sheila, who reminds us of the importance of faith and hope.   [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday September 4th 2020
Liz reads our Evening Prayer and contemplates the importance of the little joys of life, for ordinary things we see around us in our daily lives, and to give thanks [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday September 4th 2020
Our Morning Payer is led by Sheila who considers the presence of God in our lives and the mystery of his works through us.
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Evening Prayer Thursday September 3rd 2020
Liz prays for us and for things we have grown in our gardens and in pots on our balconies in our Evening Prayer. We also pray for those who need [...]
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