Author: Michael Griffiths

Faith at home – Young People
We’re pleased to share the latest Faith at Home film for young people
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Messy Church – Ascension at Home
It is the Ascension season in church, the time when Jesus ascended to heaven. We hope you enjoy these activities from our friends at Messy Church Download Ascension at home [...]
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Evening Prayer for Thursday 21 May
Tim leads Evening Prayer today and we invite you to join us
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Watch again our Sunday service from 17 May
We’re pleased to give a chance to watch again our Sunday Eucharist from 17 May
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Join us for Compline (or night prayers) Sunday at 9pm
We will be livestreaming a short service of night prayers (called Compline) on Sunday at 9pm and everyone is welcome Download Compline joining instructions  
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Evening Prayer for Saturday 16 May
Amabel and Judith lead us in Evening Prayer today. We invite you to join us
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Evening Prayer for Friday 15 May
Judith leads us in Evening Prayer tonight. We hope you can join us too.
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Evening Prayer for Thursday 14 May
Dominic leads us tonight in Evening Prayer – we hope you can join us.
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#FaithAtHome for teens
We hope you enjoy this film for teenagers on the theme of Hope.
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Compline (or night prayers) every Sunday at 9pm
Before you go to bed tonight, there is a chance to spend a short time with God in prayer. Rev’d Bennett will lead us in Compline (or night prayers). You [...]
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