
Vacancy for Part-time Training Administrator
The Diocese are currently advertising fo a Part-time Training Administrator in the Safeguarding Department at Trinity House.
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Tackling the Impact of Growing Up in Poverty
I want to invite you to XLP’s next conference Tackling the Impact of Growing Up in Poverty on Wednesday 28th February at 6:30pm. We currently have Early Bird Tickets available, [...]
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Prayer for Epiphany
Loving God, In this season of gifts, We celebrate the many signs of your glory made known in your world.
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Exciting Times Ahead
We're going through a process of discovering what God is calling us to be as two churches determined to:
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A Joyful Christmas and Peaceful New Year
This week I visited a member of one of our congregations a home and asked her what he plans were for Christmas day. Was she going to her family or [...]
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Prayer for Zimbabwe
On Wednesday 15 November, the Diocese issued the following prayer for Zimbabwe, written by the Dean of Southwark, which all are encouraged to use. ‘The eternal God is your refuge, [...]
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