
Justice Sunday Worship on 5 February
There’s a warm welcome to everyone at the Eucharist on Sunday 5 February. We will worship at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches. The service from St Luke’s’ will also [...]
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Mission: Ashes to Go
Revd Liz introduces how Ash Wednesday presents a great mission opportunity Dear Friends Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent. For a few years at 7 o’clock on Ash Wednesday [...]
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Read our weekly newsletter
Each week we publish our newsletter. You can catch up with the latest news, prayers and activities from our churches. Read this week’s newsletter on this link (opens in new [...]
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A prayer for this week
Juliana leads us in the prayer Christ born for us
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Joint worship on Sunday 29 January – in church or online
We look forward to everyone in our churches joining in worship together this Sunday (29 January) at St Luke’s Church. It will be the feast of Candlemas, when we remember [...]
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Mission Update: Children’s Church every Sunday
Rev’d Liz writes an update about Children’s Church that happens at both St Luke’s and St Thomas’ each Sunday Dear Friends At both our churches now, we have Children’s Church. [...]
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A prayer for this week
Sean leads us in a prayer to the God of creation
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Our weekly newsletter
You can catch up with the latest news, prayers and activities from our churches in our weekly newsletter. Read the latest edition on this link (opens in new tab) You [...]
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Worship on 22 January – in church or online
There’s a warm welcome to everyone at the Eucharist on Sunday 22 January. We will worship at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches. The service from St Thomas’ will also [...]
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How we adapt in a changing world
Revd Liz reflects on how we can embrace the changing world in which we live Dear Friends As far as I’m aware, the Green Goddess started as a pop-up bar [...]
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