
Christmas greetings from Revd Liz
Dear Friends, These words were the closing ones at this year’s Community Carol Service. When the song of the angels is stilled When the star in the sky is gone [...]
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Mission – Making connections
Revd Liz writes about how activities this Christmas are helping us look beyond our churches to the community we serve CONNECTION – it’s one of our mission priorities. And our [...]
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Worship on Sunday 18 December – in church and online
It is the Fourth Sunday of Advent on 18 December and the Eucharist will take place at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches and everyone is welcome. The service from [...]
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Our latest weekly newsletter
You can keep up to date with the latest news, prayers and activities from our churches in our weekly newsletter. The latest edition can be read on this link Our [...]
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Prayer for the week
Barbara leads us in the prayer Jesus is Enough For Me This prayer is written by John Birch and is inspired by Psalm 131:2
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Mission and our Sunday Worship
Revd Liz writes about how the themes and readings of our Sunday worship is chosen, and the focus on mission we will see in some of our services over the [...]
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Join us for worship on Sunday 11 December – in church and online
This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent and the Eucharist will take place at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches and everyone is welcome. The service from St Luke’s [...]
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Our weekly Newsletter
We publish our newsletter every week. You can catch up on the latest activities, prayers and news from our churches. Read the latest edition on this link. (Opens in new [...]
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Prayer of the week
Our prayer this week is sung by Noah. He accompanies himself as he sings part of the Ave Maria by Franz Schubert Ave MariaGratia plenaMaria, gratia plenaMaria, gratia plenaAve, ave [...]
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Mission and the all-new digital Advent calendar
Revd Liz writes about how technology is helping us share the Good News this Advent and Christmas Dear Friends When our usual way of doing things doesn’t work, it can [...]
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