
Our weekly newsletter
You can catch up with the latest news, prayers and activities from our churches each week in our newsletter. Open the latest edition here (Opens in new tab) Our newsletter [...]
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Prayer for the week
Oscar and Felix lead us in a prayer for children, written by the Gloucester Diocese
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Remembrance Sunday – 13 November
Our Remembrance Sunday worship will take place in church and online on Sunday 13 November at 10.00am and everyone is welcome. We will remember the service and sacrifice of all [...]
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A Prayer for the week
Jim leads us in a short prayer. This prayer is originally from the Carmina Gadelica III. It is taken from Esther de Waal, editor, The Celtic 1988
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Weekly Newsletter
Catch up with the latest news, prayers and activities from our churches in our weekly newsletter. Open the latest edition on this link (opens in new tab) Our newsletter is [...]
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Messy Christmas, Saturday 17 December, 2.00-4.00pm, St Richard’s Church Centre
We’ll have a fun afternoon of Christmas themed activities at our Messy Church event at St Richard’s Church Centre. St Richard’s Church Centre, Swallowfield Road, London, SE7 7NR
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Community Carol Service, Thursday 15 December, 7.00pm, St Luke’s
A celebration of Christmas. A celebration of Charlton. A warm welcome awaits you all. Charlton Benefice Community Carol Service St Luke’s, The Village, SE7 8UG Thursday 15 December at 7.00pm [...]
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Christmas Extravaganza, Saturday 26 November, 10.00am-4.00pm, St Thomas’ Church
Join us at St Thomas’ Church for our fantastic Christmas Market. There will be stalls selling lovely Christmas gifts, and delicious food in our cafe. St Thomas’ Church, Woodland Terrace, [...]
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Advent Sunday Eucharist – 27 November, 10.00am
We begin our preparations for the coming of Christ on Advent Sunday. The Eucharist will take place at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches and everyone is welcome. The service [...]
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It’s Pants…
IT’S PANTS… … that Asylum Seekers living in Greenwich only get second hand underwear! IT’S PANTS… … (and socks!) they need for their dignity and to know someone cares. If [...]
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