Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer Saturday May 15th 2021
Our last Morning Prayer with Blanca this week who prays that God’s spirit bring light and life to all creation today, so that we may walk as children of light. [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday May 14th 2021
“As your Spirit moved over the face of the waters bringing light and life to your creation” we offer our Morning Prayer. Blanca recites Psalm 16 and considers faith, asking [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday May 13th 2021
Blanca celebrates Ascension day this Morning Prayer, reading Psalm 110; “Lord Jesus, divine Son and eternal priest, inspire us with the confidence of your final conquest over evil”. Blanca asks [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday May 11th 2021
“The night has passed and the day lies open before us”, Blanca leads our Morning Prayer and asks Christ our Morning Star who knows no setting, to help us find [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday May 10th 2021
Christian Aid Week – as this charity campaigns for social justice, this year it asks us to examine how we are destroying our environment. Our climate crisis hurts all – [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday May 8th 2021
Our last Morning Prayer this week with Revd. Bennett as he prays for our community and reads Psalm 146. Bennett prays that we learn how to live in our world [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday 7th May 2021
Morning Prayer – Bennett rejoices with us for God’s mercy, faithfulness and love are with us. He reminds us that we are delivered from the dominion of darkness and should [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday May 6th 2021
“Awake, my soul; awake, harp and lyre, that I may awaken the dawn.” Bennett steadfastly proclaims Psalm 57 at the start of our day. Bennett leads Morning Prayer and prays for [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday May 5th 2021
Our priest leads Morning Prayer and recites Psalm 30, where God has turned our mornings into dancing! Revd. Bennett asks us to pray for all those involved in the shaping [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday May 4th 2021
We have been brought from the rest of last night to the joyous light of this day and to the guiding light of eternity. Morning Prayer with Bennett who recites [...]
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