Worship and the London Marathon
On Sunday 21 April the London Marathon will pass through Charlton. As a result, we will be making some changes to our usual worship: There will be no service at [...]
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A Prayer for this week
Miriam leads us in prayer this week. In a prayer written by Sister Bridgetta Rooney and distributed by our friends at CAFOD, Miriam prays that our senses will help us [...]
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Our latest newsletter
Our newsletter gives details of all the services, events and activities happening in our churches. Included this week is news of two social activities – a quiz to support the [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 14 April
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 14 April, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s [...]
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Afternoon Tea and Memorial Garden Tour
The gardening team at St Luke’s would like to invite you to celebrate the ongoing work on the Memorial Garden, St Luke’s Church Charlton on Saturday 13 April at 3.00pm. [...]
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Worship and activities during week commencing 7 April
Sunday 7 April, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s Churches at 10.00am for the Parish Eucharist. We continue to celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection on the [...]
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An Easter Prayer
Peter leads us in a prayer for Easter. This prayer is inspired by the story of the road to Emmaus
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Palm Sunday Eucharist, 24 March, 10.00am
Our journey through Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday when we remember Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem. The Palm Sunday Eucharist takes place in St Thomas’ and St Luke’s churches at [...]
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Countdown to Calvary, Monday 25 March, 8.00pm
Filmed on location in Jerusalem with up to date historical evidence, Countdown to Calvary offers a controversial and challenging retelling of “the greatest story ever told” – the story of [...]
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St Thomas’ Community Meal for Holy Week, Tuesday 26 March, 7.00pm
There’ll be a warm welcome for everyone at our Community Meal. It is a chance for people with or without Christian faith to discover what we have in common, to [...]
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