Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Wednesday March 24th 2021
Arek reads Psalm 85 tonight and prays for God’s mercy for all excluded by poverty. This Lent we stand in solidarity through our fasting and reach out through our giving. [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday March 24th 2021
Morning Prayer, standing at the foot of the cross we offer prayers… Ally prays for a future where we plant seeds that will one day grow, where we water them [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday March 23rd 2021
Arek’s Evening Prayer – he considers God’s saving ways among all nations and prays that this evening be holy, good and peaceful, and that we pray with one heart and [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday March 23rd 2021
Morning Prayer – Ally commemorates the passing of the first year of this pandemic, and the death of so many people across the world from Covid-19, including people from our [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday March 22nd 2021
Arek leads his first Evening Prayer for us tonight, he thanks gracious God for our many gifts. For the beautiful earth below us, the skies above, the seas around us [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday March 22nd 2021
Ally W’s first Morning Prayer of the week – she asks that through God’s bountiful goodness we be freed from our sins this Passiontide. Ally prays that any tendency to [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday March 20th 2021
Our week’s last Evening Prayer with Judith C, who leads our joyous prayers tonight – she asks our Lord to help us live in peace and righteousness. She thanks our [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday March 20th 2021
Rick’s last beautifully, spoken Morning Prayer this week, where he acknowledges out faults and asks for God’s mercy in Lent. He prays for those organising our national census tomorrow, where [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday March 19th 2021
Judith leads our Evening Prayer tonight – she thanks God for our Father’s unending compassion and asks for help as we journey through Lent. She prays that our Lord God [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday March 19th 2021
Hear our voices oh Lord according to your love, our Morning Prayer considers how we look to God. We lift up our souls to the Lord, as Rick commemorates St [...]
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