Author: Sarah

Morning Prayer Wednesday February 24th 2021
Catherine praises our working God for use of our hands and tools, so that we can till the soil, plant seeds and bulbs; she thanks God for allotments and for [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday February 23rd 2021
Evening Prayer and Bennett contemplates the effects of the pandemic on those we love, people in our community and across the world. Bennett asks that our Lord help us, despite [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday February 23rd 2021
Catherine’s Morning Prayer considers faith and hope in God, that we can want for nothing if we place our trust in our Lord of all things, and firmly resolve to [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday February 22nd 2021
The Reverend Bennett Spong leads our Evening Prayer reciting Psalm 12, where Bennett contemplates the oppression of the poor, where God will; ‘rise up to set them in the safety [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday February 22nd 2021
Catherine leads out Morning Prayer reading Psalm 10, for the the start of this week. Catherine considers how it feels to follow the truth of God and is in wonder [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday February 20th 2021
Evening prayer with Sheila and Jim – Sheila considers the pain of feeling lost – like a crying child – but no matter how lost we feel God holds our [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday February 20th 2021
Our last Morning Prayer with Rick this week – he considers the miracle of a newborn baby – a sign of hope that infiltrates our hearts – like smoke encircling [...]
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Evening Prayer Friday February 19th 2021
Sheila prays with us this Evening Prayer – in the darkness of our sin God has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday February 19th 2021
Rick’s Morning Prayer asks that we join together in a fellowship of compassion and justice, rejoicing with those who do well and suffering alongside those who have lost so much. [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday February 18th 2021
Sheila asks for our Lord to help us understand that upheaval caused by the pandemic can be a good thing; our old comfortable existence can rob us of true perspective [...]
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