Author: Sarah

Morning Prayer Thursday February 18th 2021
Rick considers the changes wrought by Covid-19 – London’s skies are no longer hazy with pollution but blue-grey and clear, people sing to one another across empty courtyards in Italy, [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday February 17th 2021
Jim prays we are filled with God’s compassion and mercy this Ash Wednesday – and that God gives us strength to reach out to others. We are all one people [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday February 17th 2021
Ash Wednesday Morning Prayer – the start of Lent – Rick prays that our eyes are opened to injustices around us, so that we may begin to build the foundation [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday February 16th 2021
Sheila asks for God’s mercy and salvation this Shrove Tuesday, and questions our Father about our purpose and why we are here on this earth. She praises and thanks God [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday February 16th 2021
Morning Prayer on Shrove Tuesday – Rick prays to Christ our King, like no other earthly ruler Jesus subverts our assumptions about power, a king who lives alongside the ordinary, [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday February 15th 2021
Jim and Sheila lead Evening Prayer this week – tonight Jim praises God, reciting a traditional Irish prayer; ‘I arise today through the strength of heaven’. Jim contemplates God’s plan [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday February 15th 2021
Ali starts Morning Prayer this week – and contemplates the passage of time. Our days are but as grass, we flourish and flower yet we are at the mercy of [...]
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Charlton Benefice Service of Healing available on our YouTube channel.
The first of our regular Wednesday services is available on our You Tube. This week we celebrate the power of prayer to heal and strengthen the mind and body of [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday February 13th 2021
Hugh calls our Creator God to come amongst us as we join together in Evening Prayer, he asks for Christ’s help to discern his spirit, joy and wisdom in the [...]
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Morning Prayer Saturday February 13th 2021
Naomi’s final Morning Prayer this week – as she asks our Father to raise up the poor and comfort the betrayed; when mercy and truth meet together and righteousness and [...]
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