Author: Sarah

Morning Prayer Friday December 25th 2020
Patricia and Kayin pray for us as we rejoice in the gift of Jesus’ birth – alleluia praise the Lord. Every blessing we find in the face of Jesus Christ [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday December 24th 2020
On this cold and frosty Christmas Eve, Rosie asks for our Lord to bless us and help us remain calm yet watchful as we await Christ’s birth – our Evening [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday December 24th 2020
Patricia leads Morning Prayer with Kenya – both consider Jesus’ birth like glimmers of hope and flashes of inspiration, to light our path. Patricia asks Christ to help us reflect [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday December 23rd 2020
Rosie considers the Three Wise Men on their long journey to bring their gifts to the Christ child. Rosie reminds us that we have nothing of our own to bring [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday December 23rd 2020
Morning Prayer with Patricia and Joshua, Kenya and Kayin – wake us up Lord the night is over! Patricia asks God to move the world from inequality and exploitation and [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday December 22nd 2020
Rosie leads our Evening Prayer this week, she prays for those facing mental heath challenges in the face of such changeable circumstances – when it is a struggle to remain [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday December 22nd 2020
The daylight is upon us, let us rejoice in the gift of this new day as Patricia leads Morning Prayer. Our help is in the name of the Lord and [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday December 21st 2020
As evening falls we pray that we may behold Christ’s coming among us – our Evening Prayer considers the birth of Christ – a child and yet a king – [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday December 21st 2020
Patricia and her family read our Morning Prayer this week; Patricia asks that we feel God’s presence and through living humbly, that we hear God’s word. She asks for our [...]
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Evening Prayer Saturday December 19th 2020
Amelia and Laura lead Evening Prayer one last time this week, as they ask that this evening be holy, good and peaceful as we pray together. May God’s unending love [...]
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