
Our weekly newsletter
In our newsletter this week you can find out details of our Remembrance Sunday services. Revd Liz also reflects on our All Souls service and activities last weekend. You’ll also [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 5 November
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 5 November, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist for All Saints Day We meet at St [...]
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All Souls Fayre
We hope you can join our Fayre at St Thomas’ Church on 4 November, around the time of All Souls’ Day – 11.00am – 2.30pm. On Sale: We will have [...]
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All Souls: A service to remember our loved ones
The feast of All Souls is a day the Church has set aside to remember those we love but see no longer. Our memorial service at 6.30pm on 5 November [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning Sunday 29 October
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 29 October, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist We meet at St Thomas’ and St Luke’s [...]
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FALL: A concert for Autumn
We’re pleased to present our latest concert. Local musicians will perform a varied programme including classical, folk and gospel music. Please join us at St Luke’s Church on Saturday 28 [...]
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Our weekly newsletter
Each week we publish our newsletter, packed with updates and prayers from our churches. Catch up with the latest news and activities happening at St Luke’s, St Thomas’ and St [...]
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A Prayer for this week
Marie and Peter lead us in a prayer. This prayer distributed by Christian Aid and Embrace the Middle East. They pray urgently for the people in Israel and the Palestinian [...]
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Worship and activities during week beginning 22 October
Throughout this week, you are invited to join us for worship and other social activities. Sunday 22 October, 10.00am – Parish Eucharist for Black History Month We meet at St [...]
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Prayer for this week
Ali leads us in prayer this week. She prays with thanksgiving for our transgender siblings. Ali asks that we all treat each other with openness, humility and respect. This prayer [...]
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