
  • on 25th January 2025

Revd Joe Lee – RIP

Revd Liz writes…

It’s with enormous sadness that I need to let you know that Revd Joe Lee died in Lewisham hospital at 8.15am on Wednesday 6th November. Joe had been very unwell for a few months, much of which he’d spent in hospital. Although he had returned home and had regained some strength, it seems he’d just become too frail to carry on. His closest family members were with him when he died.

Joe has been a priest in Charlton for around 30 years and is loved and respected here.

In time, details of how we’ll mourn his passing and celebrate his life will be shared with everyone.

In the meantime, let’s pray for his family, especially Richard and Linda, and support one another in our loss.

Joe, may you rest in peace and rise in glory. We will miss you more than you’d ever have imagined.

As we mourn the death of our friend and brother, Revd Joe Lee, Michael prays that God will support us in our loss. This prayer was written and shared by the Church of England

1 Comment

  1. Robin Norster-Files

    Dear Joe, what a remarkable human being …your ability to connect and empathise with others was immense.
    It is many years since we whizzed around the lanes of the Lake District in your Austin Metro…. With the music blaring from the speakers you cleverly fitted to underneath the front seats.
    Your influence and friendship was profound and you will never be forgotten.
    Thank you for everything. Rest now in Peace….. with the speakers at full volume and you singing your heart out.

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