Author: Sarah

Evening Prayer Friday May 21st 2021
Rob reminds us of God’s compassion in Psalm 147 and asks this Evening Prayer for God’s forgiveness, for the things we have done wrong, thought badly of, or omitted to [...]
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Morning Prayer Friday May 21st 2021
Psalm 28 – “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart has trusted in him and I am helped.” Our Morning Prayer contemplates the approach we take to our [...]
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Evening Prayer Thursday May 20th 2021
Psalm 139 – Rob prays for God to search us out and know our hearts, test, and examine our thoughts. We pray as part of ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, that those [...]
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Morning Prayer Thursday May 20th 2021
Morning Prayer and Psalm 24 reminds us that ‘the earth is the Lord’s and all that fills it, the compass of the world and all who dwell therein’. Ali E [...]
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Evening Prayer Wednesday May 19th 2021
O God, the well of life, make us bright with your wisdom – Rob reads Psalm 36. Our Evening Prayer includes a traditional prayer that reflects on the life of [...]
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Morning Prayer Wednesday May 19th 2021
Ali E and Minty read Psalm 2 this Morning Prayer and thank God that we have woken to a new day and to the rising of life itself. As we [...]
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Evening Prayer Tuesday May 18th 2021
Rob recites Psalm 68, asking our Father of the fatherless, defender of widows, protector of the solitary, home to the homeless and a place of freedom for prisoners; “you make [...]
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Morning Prayer Tuesday May 18th 2021
Psalm 98 encourages us to “Sing to the Lord a new song… Make music to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the voice of melody.” Don’t worry [...]
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Evening Prayer Monday May 17th 2021
Rob’s first Evening Prayer this week, in his reading of Psalm 18 Rob describes God’s deliverance when we pray for help; “He made darkness his covering round about him, dark waters [...]
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Morning Prayer Monday May 17th 2021
We come before God as we begin our day’s work and ask that this day is blessed. This week our Morning Prayer is led by Ali E who prays for [...]
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